101 Performance Update - First Year Plan and Local Agreement for Wiltshire
Report by the Service Director, Performance
Supporting documents:
Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk presented a comprehensive report which advised Cabinet of progress against the First Year Plan and performance for the period April 2009 to March 2010 for the Local Agreement for Wiltshire. The report also drew Cabinet’s attention to changes to a small number of the Council’s Local Area Agreement targets that had been agreed with Government for 2010/11. A summary of grants awarded under the Performance Reward Grant scheme for Area Boards was also presented.
Cllr de Rhe Phillipe reported that overall, the Council had made very good progress over the past year highlighting a number of key achievements in line with the Council’s goals.
The Leader commented that it was very positive to have achieved so much from the First Year Plan given the Council was in transition following the creation of Wiltshire Council as a unitary authority. She acknowledged that next year could prove more difficult given the anticipated squeeze on public sector finances as a consequence of the emergency budget which would be announced by the Coalition Government later that day.
That Cabinet note progress for the year 2009/10.
Reason for Decision
To keep Cabinet informed about progress against the First Year Plan and the Local Agreement for Wiltshire and to provide an update on the PRG Scheme for Area Boards.