Issue - meetings

Members' Interests

Meeting: 18/02/2010 - Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 14)

Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Devine declared a personal interest in application no. S/2008/2065 as his son works one day a week at the Homebase store which is located on the site.


Councillor Douglas declared a personal interest in application no. S/2008/2065 as she is a member of the Salisbury Vision Board.


Councillor Dalton declared a personal interest in application no. S/2008/2065 as he is a member of the City Council but not a member of the planning committee.


Councillor Deane declared a personal interest in application no. S/2009/1934 as he is acquainted with the applicant.