Declarations of Interest
To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
The Chairman drew Councillors’ attention to the letter of advice from the Monitoring Officer concerning possible interests in the budget and setting of the council tax. Advice had also been given on declaring interests in respect of council garage tenancies when it came to considering the setting of garage as part of determining the housing revenue account.
Cllr Brian Dalton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of the housing revenue account in so far as the setting of garage rents was concerned. Cllr Dalton held a garage tenancies and left the meeting during consideration of that element of the budget.
During discussion of notice of motion no. 8 (minute no. 6 refers), Cllr Rook
declared a personal interest in the item in so far as it related to Redland Park by virtue of it being close to where she lived and walked her dog.
Cllr Lay declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being a member of the local Community Area Partnership (minute no. 16 (b) refers).