Executive Business
(a) The Leader and/or Cabinet Members to update Council on any major activities within their respective areas of responsibility.
(b) The Leader to advise on any changes to the Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet members.
Executive Updates
Cllr Keith Humphries, Cabinet member for Health and Wellbeing drew Council’s attention to the world’s largest corporate health initiative, the Global Corporate Challenge. A Briefing Note giving details of the initiative had been previously circulated to Councillors.
Cabinet Scheme of Delegation
In accordance with paragraph 9 of Part 7 of the Constitution, Council received a report setting out amendments to Part 3 A of the constitution in relation to the responsibilities of Cabinet members.
The amendments concerned the responsibilities of the member for Waste, Property and Environment and the member for Highways and Transport. The purpose of the changes was to provide clarity as to which Cabinet member has responsibility for some of the previous district council front line services such as public conveniences, litter, cemeteries and markets. The changes also provided clarification on responsibility for the management of open spaces.
The Leader took the opportunity to circulate details of responsibilities assigned to the 13 Portfolio Holders who supported the respective Cabinet members.
That the revised Part 3 A of the Constitution as presented be noted and included in the Constitution.
c. Area Boards
The Chairman referred Councillors to the letter previously circulated which explained that they could ask questions of a general nature concerning Area Boards under this item, but they must be of a general nature only and not on specific local issues.
No such questions were raised.