Issue - meetings

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting: 15/03/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 1)

1 Welcome, Introductions and Chairman's Announcements

  1. Forthcoming Gypsy and Traveller Consultation
  2. Consultation on Services to Children with Special Educational Needs
  3. Results of Flooding Consultation
  4. Community Asset Transfer
  5. Islam4UK Briefing Note

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and asked all those present to introduce themselves.


The Chairman made the following announcements:


Forthcoming Gypsy and Traveller Consultation

An 8 week consultation on the issues and general approach to identifying land for new gypsy, traveller and show people sites would begin on Tuesday 6 April until Friday 4 June. All information could be found online at: and in the main council offices and local libraries.


A drop-in event to discuss the issues in more detail would be held on Tuesday 11 May between 4.00pm and 8.00pm at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. An event would also be held in Salisbury on Thursday 13 May.


There was also a display stand on show in the hall which provided members of the public with further details of the consultation.


Consultation on Services to Children with Special Educational Needs

A review of services was being carried out and a consultation in progress; the closing date was 12 noon on Monday 24 May. Any questions should be directed to Tracey Gates, Project Officer, in the first instance 01225 756170.


There would be opportunities to meet officers to discuss the proposals on Monday 29 March, 7.00pm at Devizes School, or on Tuesday 4 May, 7.00pm at Salisbury City Hall.


Cllr Mark Connolly stated that the consultation may lead to the closure of the Special Educational Needs unit at Zouch Primary School. He had received assurances that the Centre was not running at capacity and that none of the students in the Centre would need to travel to other Centres in the County as their needs were not severe. If students in the area were to have severe educational needs that the local schools could not cater for, free transport would be provided to take them to the other Centres around the County.


Flooding Consultation

Wiltshire Council had set up two operational flood working groups to collate information on flooding and drainage issues across the county.


Parish and Town Councils were being invited to assist with the collation of data by providing information about any local flooding issues in their areas. Packs were available for Parish and Town Council representatives to take away from the meeting. Once completed, they should be returned to the Community Area Manager at the next meeting.


A ‘Flood Fair’ would be held at the Olympiad Leisure Centre in Chippenham from 10.00am until 2.00pm on 14 April. Any Parish or Town Council representative wishing to attend should contact Renate Malton on


Community Asset Transfer

Wiltshire Council was supporting the transfer of assets to local communities and a diagram to explain the transfer process was included in the agenda pack.


Any Parish or Town Council or local community that was aware of any possible assets for transfer should contact the Community Area Manager, Val Powley on


Islam4UK Briefing Note

A briefing note on the previously proposed Islam4UK march in Wootton Bassett  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1