Issue - meetings

Grant Funding

Meeting: 15/03/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 12)

12 Community Area Grants and Funding

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants, and to determine the use of any leftover unallocated funding from the 2009/10 budget.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically by clicking on this link.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to one application for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


Army Welfare Service Eco Bike Scheme

The application was for £700 towards an Eco Bike Scheme project.  However there was only £213 remaining in the budget for 2009/10.


Val Powley advised that the Members had the option to award the full amount of £700, consisting of £213 from the 2009/10 budget, and the balance of £487 being allocated from the 2010/11 budget.  Although the 2010/11 budget had been agreed by Council on 23 February 2010, this would not be available until 1 April.  As such the full £700 could be awarded after 1 April, with the £213 being carried over in the meantime.



The Eco Bike Scheme was awarded the full amount requested of £700, which would be awarded after 1 April 2010.


The above application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2009/10 and would improve young people’s involvement in positive activities including initiatives to encourage sustainable transport.



The Area Board agreed to carry-over the remaining funds of £213 from the 2009/10 Community Area Grant budget to the 2010/11 budget.