Issue - meetings

Your Local Issues

Meeting: 15/04/2010 - Southern Wiltshire Area Board (Item 11)

11 Your Local Issues

To receive an update from Tom Bray, Community Area Manager (report attached).

Supporting documents:


Tom Bray, Community Area Manager spoke briefly about the Community Asset Transfer policy, explaining that so far, two Parish Councils in the area were using the policy to take on pieces of land, to run themselves for the benefit of the local community.


Further to this he updated the Board on various tasking meetings on specific issues. He also reported that there had been a positive outcome on one of the issues in Morgan’s Vale where the Council would be installing a new junction to overcome road safety concerns.


Hilary Glyde, Community Librarian, informed the Board that a new stop for the mobile library had been included at Partridge Way. The stop would be advertised to local people in various locations around the area.


People were reminded to use the issues system, as it was a good way to get their issues recorded and investigated by the board. The issue sheet is available on line at :