Issue - meetings

Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Meeting: 17/06/2010 - Westbury Area Board (Item 1)

1 Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


      i.        Introduction of Julia Cramp, Service Director Commissioning and Performance, Department of Children and Education

    ii.        Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman and Overview of 2009/10

   iii.        Outside Body Appointments 2010/11

   iv.        Reducing Unnecessary Street Lighting

    v.        Highways Programme for 2010/11

Supporting documents:


The newly elected Chairman for 2010/11, Councillor David Jenkins, welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board and thanked everyone for attending. He explained that he would allow as much time as possible for questions throughout the evening, but anyone with outstanding questions could submit them after the meeting and responses would be arranged.


The Chairman then introduced Councillor Julie Swabey, who was the newly elected Vice Chairman for 2010/11, along with Councillors Russell Hawker and Michael Cuthbert-Murray who were the other Westbury Area Board Councillors.


The Chairman also introduced Sally Hendry, Westbury Community Area Manager and Penny Bell, Democratic Services Officer, and announced that Councillor Jane Scott, Leader of the Council, was also present for the evening and would explain her role a little later on.


The Chairman made the following announcements:


      i.        Introduction of new Service Director, Julia Cramp: The Chairman welcomed Julia Cramp to the meeting. Julia was the Service Director for Commissioning and Performance in the Department of Children and Education. Julia was the new Service Director for Westbury Area Board and would be attending the Area Board meetings.


    ii.        Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman and Overview of 2009/10:  The Chairman announced that, at the annual Council meeting on 18 May 2010, he was elected Chairman for the next municipal year and Councillor Swabey was elected Vice Chair for the same period. There was also a report in the agenda packs at page 3, which provided an overview of the Area Board’s activities during 2009/10.


   iii.        Outside Body Appointments: The councillors noted that the appointments to outside bodies made during 2009/10 would continue throughout 2010/11.


   iv.        Reducing Unnecessary Street Lighting: The Chairman referred to the briefing paper in the agenda at page 9 which provided details of a new initiative to dim or switch off unnecessary street lighting. He suggested that anyone interested in the scheme should contact Sally Hendry, Community Area Manager.


    v.        Highways Programme: The Chairman referred to the briefing paper in the agenda at page 11 which provided details of the annual programme of highway maintenance and improvement schemes for 2010/11.


   vi.        Local Transport Plan – Funding Allocation: The Chairman announced that a late item had been added to the agenda packs concerning the future allocation of transport funding for local smaller-scale transport schemes. Further details could be obtained from Sally Hendry.


  vii.            Waste: The Chairman announced that today was the launch of the consultation on the new waste and recycling collection proposals. As this was an important issue, a short presentation would be made under item 12 on the agenda.