Issue - meetings

Update on Issues Raised

Meeting: 17/05/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 10)

Update on Issues Raised

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on issues raised, including issues with dog fouling and parking on double yellow lines.



Val Powley, Community Area Manager, introduced Stephen Matthews, Cleansing Technician, who was present to discuss the issues of dog fouling and the lack of litter bins.


Stephen Matthews introduced his role and explained that he would be reviewing street cleansing in general. This would include looking at litter bins and considering whether they were in the correct locations according to usage and local requirements.


With reference to the problem of dog fouling, Stephen strongly encouraged the use of bags and bins, and stated that there was a requirement to educate people regarding the correct way to clean up after their dogs.


In the past there used to be separate bins for general waste and dog waste, which some people had found confusing. Stephen confirmed that this was no longer the case and that bins for general waste could now be used for dog waste too. There was also a series of new stickers being placed on litter bins to notify the public of this change.


The following comments were made in the discussion that ensued:


·         Stickers had previously been placed on lampposts, etc, warning people of potential fines for allowing dog fouling. Stephen stated that these were issued by Environmental Health and he agreed to investigate if some could be obtained for this area.


·         There was a particular problem with dog owners putting their dog’s waste into bags, but then casting the bags into bushes and undergrowth.


·         Ludgershall Town Council had arranged litter picks along the roads in problem areas. Litter bins had been requested along these routes, but were not favoured in these locations due to them being used as school routes and the costs involved.


·         In response to a query regarding the issuing of fines to offenders, Stephen agreed to obtain some statistics and report back to the Area Board.


·         If people were aware of who the offenders were, they could be reported to the Council and a warning letter would be sent to them. This was thought to be an effective deterrent.


·         It was suggested that dog DNA could be used to identify offenders in cases where the dog owners denied responsibility.


Councillor Williams thanked Stephen for attending and announced that another local issue had arisen regarding illegal parking on double yellow lines, particularly during times when enforcement was not in place.


Chris Major, Parking Services Manager, had provided a response to this via email, which Councillor Williams read out. Chris Major had stated that he had asked theEnforcement Manager to look at the way problems were addressed within the area and to add the enforcement of the restrictions in this area to the rota.


Chris had also stated that his team aimed to work in partnership with those groups that held local knowledge and asked that any information should be submitted to the parking team via email at or via the Parking Services helpline on 01249 706131. That information would then be passed to the enforcement team for action.


Val Powley encouraged people to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10