Issue - meetings

Update from Tidworth Community Area Partnership (TCAP)

Meeting: 17/05/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 11)

Update from Tidworth Community Area Partnership

To receive an update from the Tidworth Community Area Partnership (TCAP) and information on the work of the Thematic Groups, as follows:


Health and Social Care


Housing & the Built Environment

The Economy


Crime and Community Protection

Education and Life Long Learning

Culture and Leisure

Countryside and Land-based.



Col Paddy Tabor, Chairman of the Tidworth Community Area Partnership, introduced the new Partnership Co-ordinator, Tony Pickernell. Col Paddy announced that good financial support had been received for the post, and thanked those partners that had contributed and given the matter their consideration.


Brief updates were given on each of the Thematic Groups:


Health and Social Care Group

Val Powley announced that this group was now chaired by Rea Jones and it was hoped that it would provide the nucleus to take forward actions from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Crime and Community Safety Group

Val stated that membership of this group had previously dropped, but recent efforts had seen new interest emerge. David Marks was the Chair of this group, and several projects regarding youth were underway, including the Stag Project.


Transport Group

Councillor Connolly provided an update on this group, which had met recently, and announced that the group had gained over £150,000 of funding for various local projects.


The sum of £140,000 had been received for widening the shared path from Wellington Academy to Tidworth and would be completed during the summer. £20,000 of this had been received from the Local Transport Plan funding and £120,000 had come from Links to Schools.


Another £12,500 had been received, of which £3,500 would be used for a new footpath on the A345 in Enford from ‘New Buildings’ to the bus stop, and £9,000 would be used for an assessment of possible zebra crossings on the A342 in Andover Road, Ludgershall. This was to look at the points between Meade Road and Pretoria Road where there were bus stops.


The signage on the approach to Tidworth was yet to get underway, but there was a meeting being held on 18 May where this issue would be discussed with officers and progress would be reported back.


The A338/A346 Working Group report had been considered by the Tidworth, Pewsey, Amesbury and Marlborough Area Boards, and the resolutions passed by those Boards requesting de-priming of the A338/A346 Corridor between Salisbury and Swindon were passed on 21 April 2010 to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport for consideration. A Cabinet decision is now awaited on whether or not Wiltshire Council will request the Department for Transport to de-prime the Corridor road.


Communications Group

Baz Reilly of Castledown Radio extended a thank you for the money that was received to support the radio station. The licence for the radio was held by the company Castledown Radio Ltd, which Wellington Academy had joined as an entity itself. A Branding and Communications study was currently underway.


Baz encouraged new people, including parish and town councils, to get involved with the radio station.


Education and Life Long Learning Group

There was more work to do with this group, with particular focus on post-education training and more emphasis on schools.


Culture and Leisure Group

The future direction of this group was unclear at this stage.


Countryside and Land-based Group

The Bourne Valley linear path  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11