Issue - meetings

TEST 30.03.16

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Schools Forum (Item 18)

18 Budget Monitoring

To receive budget monitoring information against the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the financial year 2015/16 as at 31 January 2016.

Supporting documents:


Liz Williams, Head of Finance, was in attendance to present the budget monitoring information against the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the financial year 2015/16 as at 31 January 2016 and to introduce the report.


Mrs Williams highlighted that there was a projected overspend of £1.693 million against the overall schools budget and that the biggest variance in this respect originated from the High Needs budget. It was noted that there were projected to be some underspends too and that the Early Years budgets were, broadly, breaking even.


It was highlighted that the overspend against the overall schools budget was expected to be greater than the level of reserves, which totalled £1.49 million. Mrs Williams confirmed that the Council were unable to top-up the DSG and that approximately £200,000 needed to be the first call on the DSG for 2016-17. It was stressed that if the DSG reserves were to be used, then there would be no reserve for future years and those present were asked to be mindful of such a possibility.


It was discussed that the ‘planned underspend’ in paragraph 5 of the report should be reformed to note ‘reduction in planned allocation’, as no underspend had been planned by the Schools Forum. Mrs Williams noted that she would change the wording of paragraph 5 accordingly.


Grant Davis, Schools Strategic Financial Support Manager, explained that insufficient provision had been made for copyright licenses in 2015-16, however for 2016/17, this issue has been rectified. Concern was raised that schools had potentially paid for the copyright licenses, as well as Wiltshire Council. Liz Williams signalled that this issue would be investigated, in order to determine if Wiltshire had double-paid for its copyright licenses. The Chairman advised that the result of the investigation be reported back to the Schools Forum Working Group (SFWG) at the next meeting.


Having been put to the meeting, it was



  1. That the Schools Forum note the budget monitoring position at the end of January 2016
  2. That Liz Williams amend ‘planned underspend’ in paragraph 5 of the report to read ‘reduction in allocation’ only

   iii.        That an investigation be undertaken to determine whether Wiltshire had double-paid for its copyright licenses and that the result of this investigation be reported back to the next SFWG meeting