142 Performance Management and Risk Outturn Report: Q2 2016/17
Report by Dr Carlton Brand and Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Directors
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Councillor Dick Tonge presented the report which provided an update on second quarter outturns against the measures and activities compiled and reported through the council’s website via the Citizens’ Dashboard and other key measures, as well as the latest outturns on the council’s strategic risk register. Councillor Tonge invited other Cabinet Members to highlight areas within their respective portfolios.
Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included:
that the claimant rate is below and the employment rate is above the national average; that incubation centres have proved a success; that the ultrafast broadband tender is being published and further funding had been secured to help reach hard to reach areas, and that it is hoped to see a range of potential providers bidding for the contract; that the Council is also lobbying the Government to help provide 100% coverage for broadband.
Also that use of libraries in Wiltshire is going up, in a large part due to colocation of services; the rate of policy change nationally has made life difficult for planning officers; that the amount of waste diverted from landfill target had been met despite some disruption; that a successful prosecution had been made for a flytipper; that there had been a 50% increase in registration to use the MyWiltshire App, with a reduction in costs attributed to its use, and that it can be used for a range of other services; that GCSE results would be published soon.
With regard to Health & Social Care: that the Council were inviting people for 40 plus health checks; that with regard to homecare that the national picture was of an average cost per hour of over £16, but that Wiltshire was third highest payer with £19.10 per hour on average; the increase in the use of leisure services; that the recruitment and retention of social workers showed continued good progress and vacancy rate is reducing; and how volunteers can be used to support a range of services.
In response to a question from Councillor Simon Killane, Councillor Richard Gamble stated that whilst there was a risk regarding school infrastructure, Wiltshire had a good track record and working relationship with the academies in Wiltshire.
In response to a question from Councillor Simon Killane, Councillor Jerry Wickham stated that Wiltshire Council pays travel time for home carers in part in recognition of the rural nature of the county.
Councillor Dick Tonge went on to outline the Risk Register including: how risk is defined and the approach to measuring risk; the major changes in the register, including the number of looked after children that had increased due to the recent number unaccompanied asylum seekers presenting at the County; the increased risk on Information Governance, and the fines have increased for failures.
Councillor Glenis Ansell, Chair of the Scrutiny Task Group, stated that they had reviewed the Risk Register and were content with it. In response to a specific issue to Calne, Councillor Jerry Wickham stated that he had been aware ... view the full minutes text for item 142