Issue - meetings

Revenue Outturns 2015/2016

Meeting: 14/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 73)

73 Revenue Outturns 2015/2016

Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Dick Tonge presented the report which advised Cabinet of the (unaudited) General Revenue Fund and Housing Revenue Account outturn positions for financial year 2015/2016. Cabinet also noted the draft Statement of Accounts.


Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the input of Scrutiny, including the Financial Planning Task Group; the actions taken to address overspends; the process by which the Statement of Accounts would be adopted; and that the Council was earlier than the vast majority of Councils in preparing their accounts for audit.




That Cabinet note the report showing an outturn for the General Revenue Fund (GRF) and Housing Revenue Account (HRA), subject to external audit, of an underspend of £0.066 million and an underspend of £0.820 million, GRF and HRA respectively. That Cabinet  note appropriate transfers to the GRF and Earmarked reserves as set out in Sections 22-25 of the report presented, and return to HRA reserves. Cabinet note the draft Statement of Accounts as presented.


Reason for Decision:


As part of its role in ensuring sound financial management and financial soundness, Cabinet are required to assess and approve the final revenue outturns for 2015/2016.