Issue - meetings

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Meeting: 16/05/2017 - Council (Item 105)

105 Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 21 February 2017.


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Meeting held on 23 February 2016 were presented.




That the minutes of the last Council meeting held on 23 February 2016be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Meeting: 10/05/2016 - Council (Item 28)

28 Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 23 February 2016.


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Meeting held on 23 February 2016 were presented.




That the minutes of the last Council meeting held on 23 February 2016be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.