41 Councillor Request for Extended Leave of Absence - Councillor Helen Osborn
Report by Robin Townsend, Associate Director - Corporate Function, Procurement and Programme Office
Supporting documents:
The Chairman referred members to the report presented which proposed to accept a request for an extended leave of absence for Councillor Helen Osborn.
Councillor Ernie Clark wished to record his and his group’s thanks to Councillor John Knight for looking after Councillor Helen Osborn’s division and to the Baroness Scott as Conservative group leader for allowing this and to Councillor Christopher Newbury, Chairman of the Western Area Planning Committee for agreeing to Cllr Knight exercising the powers of planning call-in in Councillor Helen Osborn’s absence.
On being put to the vote, it was
2. That the extension be granted until the end of October 2016 which would allow for any request for a further extension being considered by Council at its meeting on 18 October 2016, and that In the event of that meeting either being cancelled or postponed, such an extension to remain in place until after the next available meeting of the Council.