75 Office Decant Proposals for the Workplace Transformation Programme
Report of the Corporate Director, Resources is circulated
Supporting documents:
Cabinet had previously approved the Workplace Transformation Programme (WTP) which included the refurbishment of County Hall and Browfort Office buildings to provide modern, fit for purpose office accommodation for Council staff.
The nature of the construction work to be undertaken on both buildings would be extensive and lengthy. For reasons of staff well-being and operational delivery reasons, it would not be desirable to have staff working within the Main Extension County Hall (MECH) during the rebuilding work.
Cllr Noeken therefore presented a report which sought Cabinet approval to provide decant accommodation at the George Ward School, Melksham to be funded from within already approved budgets. If agreed, staff would be consulted and works would commence as soon as the school became vacant in July. There would be minimal disruption to Cabinet accommodation and Cllr Noeken suggested that for the duration of the building works Cabinet members and Chief Officers would continue to be located at County Hall. It was noted that the works would include minor refurbishment of the Council Chamber.
Cllr Thomson referred to the fact that the refurbishment would create a joint library and customer access point at County Hall. He sought an assurance which was given that sufficient steps would be taken to maximise the existing library as a customer access point during the refurbishment and that customer access at Bradley Road would be enhanced during the refurbishment period.
That Cabinet:
a) approves the proposal to provide decant accommodation at the existing George Ward School, Melksham, and authorise officers to develop these plans further, including the consultation on, and development of appropriate methods to minimise the impact on staff through this period;
a) note that the governance and reporting line for this proposal is within the Workplace Transformation Programme, the Board of which will receive regular reports on progress and issues from the Programme Director and
b) agree that the Cabinet and the Council’s Chief Officers to remain at County Hall during this period.
Reason for Decision
To ensure the most effective approach for the required decant of staff from Old County hall, MECH and Browfort which will provide modern fit-for-purpose staff accommodation during and following the works.