Issue - meetings

Activities of the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth (WAY)

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Children's Select Committee (Item 21)

21 Activities of the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth (WAY)

The Committee will receive an update on the activities of the WAY presented by James Wilkins, Children’s & Young People’s representative.

Supporting documents:


The Committee received an update on the activities of the WAY which was presented by James Wilkins, Children’s & Young People’s representative.


He reported that WAY members had met on two occasions since the last report, one of which was at the Wiltshire Youth Summit on 8 February 2017.  The January meeting had ben held at County Hall, Trowbridge. In addition, members of the UK Youth Parliament had attended a Regional Convention in Bristol in December at which they considered the campaign priority for the coming year, which was Votes at 16.


James Wilkins went on to explain that WAY was seeking to organise its activities in relation to its Agenda for Action which had the following five priorities:-


(1)  Improve emotional being and mental health support for young people.


(2)  Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education


(3)  Bullying


(4)  Public Transport


(5)  Environment


WAY members, Freya Piggott and Rebecca Richards had run a workshop on youth voice at the Wiltshire Youth Summit. The workshop had provided the chance to discuss and evaluate the value and meaningfulness of participation activities they had been involved in.  These included opportunities to interview staff, taking part in community meetings, achieving outcomes such as free gym memberships for young people and campaigning for more after school clubs.  


The Chairman considered that the Wiltshire Youth Summit was outstanding and included some excellent workshops.


Members referred to the Public Transport issues and recognised the problems faced by many young people living in a rural county, many parts of which did not have good transport links particularly during the evenings.  James Wilkins explained that this issue had been addressed and a transport officer from Wiltshire Council had been invited to attend a WAY meeting to discuss the issues involved.  Unfortunately, it transpired that there was little the Council could do to help at this time, particularly in view of tight budgets. 




To thank James Wilkins for his excellent report and presentation which was noted with much interest.