Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 01/02/2011 - Corsham Area Board (Item 4)

Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Members declared the following interests:


·         Councillor Peter Davis declared a prejudicial interest in the grant application for the Corsham Knitting and Crochet Club as his wife was a member (agenda item 14).  Councillor Davis did not speak or vote on this item.

·         Councillor Alan Macrae declared a personal interest in the grant application for the Corsham Wind Band Association (agenda item 14).  Councillor Macrae did not speak or vote on this item.

·         Councillor Sheila Parker declared a prejudicial interest in the grant application for Box Parish Council as she was a member of the Parish Council (agenda item 14).  Councillor Parker did not speak or vote on this item.

·         Councillor Dick Tonge declared a personal interest in the street lighting item (agenda item 12) as he was the Cabinet member responsible for this service.