Issue - meetings

Future Meeting Dates

Meeting: 08/02/2011 - Calne Area Board (Item 12)

12 Close

The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman asked if there were any outstanding items from the floor. Councillor Charles Boase of Calne Town Council advised that gas works were due to affect The Green and Church Street for over three weeks. Since parking was already difficult in this area, he asked if Wiltshire Council could arrange for residents who would be affected by this work to be allowed to park free in the Church Street car park. Councillor Thomson advised Councillor Boase to contact Councillor Richard Tonge, Cabinet member for Highways and Transport. The next Area Board meeting would be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 19 April at Beversbrook Sports Facility, with refreshments available from 6.30 pm.