Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 4)

4 Minutes and Matters Arising

To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on Monday 17 May 2010 and Tuesday 18 May 2010 and to address any matters arising.

Supporting documents:


Val Powley, Tidworth Community Area Manager, provided feedback on matters arising from the last meeting.


NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

In response to a query at the last meeting, Jo Howes, Head of Community Engagement at NHS Wiltshire, had advised that people aged 60-69 were automatically sent a screening kit and an invitation to take part in a bowel cancer screening programme.


Request for dog fouling stickers to be placed on lampposts

Stephen Matthews, Cleansing Technician, had obtained some stickers from the Environmental Health department and would be erecting these on lampposts around the Community Area.


Request for statistics relating to dog fouling fines and prosecutions

Stephen Matthews had stated that Wiltshire Council had only issued one Fixed Penalty Notice in relation to dog fouling, which was pending prosecution.


Formation of Health Care Working Group

In response to priorities identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, the TCAP Health and Social Care Forum was extending its membership to form a working group with key partners from the health care industry.



The minutes of the meetings held on Monday 17 May and Tuesday 18 May 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.