Issue - meetings

Grant Funding

Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 12)

Community Area Grants

To determine applications for funding from:


1.    Zouch School

2.    King George’s Field Management Committee


Grant application packs are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically by clicking on this link.


Consideration was given to two applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme.


1.    Zouch School

An application had been received from Zouch School seeking £3,500 towards the cost of piloting a project to help with the integration of army families with the local community. This application had been deferred from the meeting on 17 May 2010 pending clarification of some of the project expenditure.


Alex Grant, representing the school, stated that the lottery funding of £10,000 had been lost since the last meeting, resulting in the project having to be scaled back.


The Chairman commented that, with the loss of the lottery funding, the councillors would need to see the revised income and expenditure of the project before any funding could be released.



The application from Zouch School was approved by the Area Board, with the amount of grant towards the costs of its integration project with army families and the local community, to be decided in the light of the revised project plan and income and expenditure figures. Conditions were agreed that a satisfactory revised financial plan of the project be submitted to the Community Area Manager prior to the release of the funding and that the school should contact Tidworth Community Area Partnership to seek assistance in linking with the local community.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would address important work being carried out in the county on Military Civilian Integration.


Note: Since the meeting, confirmation was received from the Deputy Head of Zouch School that the lottery funding under ‘Awards for All’ had been refused because the school was ineligible as its annual income was too high for that scheme. The school has since withdrawn its application to give time to re-plan the project and seek alternative funding to replace the lottery funding.



2.    King George’s Field Management Committee, Chute

An application had been received from King George’s Field Management Committee seeking £924 towards the purchase of a lawn tractor/mower.



King George’s Field Management Committee was awarded £924 towards the purchase of a lawn tractor/mower.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would enable the field to continue to provide good facilities for local people of all ages.