Update on Town and Parish Council Training Sessions
To receive a verbal update from the Monitoring Officer
The Head of Governance updated members on town and parish training sessions. She suggested that training should be actively offered to any town and parish councils that had asked for advice or where there was clearly a need.
The committee noted the helpful response from the Councillor Development Group to allow town and parish councillors to attend its training on a fill up basis.
It was agreed that the Chairman would send a letter out to all town and parish councils enclosing a copy of the Standards Committee leaflet and reminding them that the Code of Conduct remains in force and the Standards Committee will continue to carry out its statutory responsibilities of handling complaints regarding the Code and granting dispensations from requirements relating to interests. The letter would also add that if there were spaces on any training sessions on the Code then these would be offered to town and parish councils via Wiltshire Association of Local Councils.
It was also agreed that a letter be sent to all Wiltshire Councillors asking them to help in identifying which councils would benefit from such training and in encouraging them to take it up.