58 Arrangements for Mediation
To consider a report by the Monitoring Officer
Supporting documents:
The Monitoring Officer presented the report which asked the committee to consider the use of mediation as a means of preventing or resolving complaints under the Code of Conduct.
The committee considered the report and the consensus was that mediation was a useful alternative for investigation in some cases and that its use should be pursued.
It was noted that the Council did not have any trained mediators. The Monitoring Officer and the Head of Governance would be prepared to attend mediation training, after which they would be able to offer mediation in cases where that would appear to be an appropriate remedy, however it was acknowledged that there were resource implications. To this end it was suggested that any members of the committee who were experienced in mediation, and were prepared to offer their services, liaise with the Monitoring Officer.
1. That the committee support mediation as the best way forward in some cases.
That the Monitoring Officer liaises with
members of the committee who are experienced in mediation and looks
at ways of taking this forward.