Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 29/04/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 2)

2 Chairman's Announcements

a.      The Chairman will invite questions on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda, including questions to the Cabinet Member for Waste Property and Environment (Councillor Toby Sturgis) who will be in attendance

b.      Planning Seminar for Parish Councils – 14 May at 9.15am in the Alamein Suite, City Hall Salisbury

c.      Meeting for Parish Councils, hosted by the Amesbury Area Board – 10 June, 5pm at Antrobus House

d.      Flooding Consultation – briefing note enclosed

e.      Air Quality Strategy - briefing note enclosed

f.       Contaminated Land Strategy - briefing note enclosed

g.      Youth Project Funding

h.     Community Asset Transfer Scheme


Supporting documents:


a.    The Chairman commented that he would invite questions after making the announcements as set out in the agenda.

b.    Planning Seminar for Parish Councils – This event would take place on Friday 14 May at 9.15am in the Alamein Suite, City Hall, Salisbury

c.    Meeting for Parish Councils, hosted by Amesbury Area Board – This event would take place on Thursday 10 June at 5pm at Antrobus House, Amesbury.  The Chairman commented that this meeting would include an opportunity to discuss the future of Community Planning in the Amesbury Area.

d.    Flooding Consultation – Parish Councils’ input was sought to the Council’s statutory duty of managing flooding risk.  Packs were available for each Parish Council, to help identify areas which were liable to flooding.  These packs should be returned to the Community Area Manager at the next meeting on 1 July 2010.

e.    Air Quality Consultation Details of the consultation on this document were set out in the agenda at page 7.

f.     Contaminated Land Strategy – Details of the consultation on this document were set out in the agenda at pages 9-10.

g.    Youth Project Funding – The Chairman announced that an additional £5K had been made available to the Amesbury Area Board for youth projects, particularly in relation to transport.

h.    Community Asset Transfer Scheme – The Chairman commented that this scheme was under development and details would be sent to Town and Parish Councils in due course.


The Chairman then invited questions and comments on issues not covered elsewhere on the agenda:


·         A representative of Durrington Town Council commented that some documents sent out via email by Wiltshire Council had not been accessible, due to the format in which they had been sent.  It was requested that in future all documents be sent in a format accessible to all (such as PDF).  Councillor John Noeken, in his capacity as Cabinet Member for Resources, undertook to convey this request to officers.


·         On a similar note, a member of the public commented that a link to the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue 2010-2013 Strategy sent out to the Community Area Network, had not worked.  Karen Linaker, the Community Area Manager, undertook to investigate.


·         A representative of Idmiston Parish Council commented that bins in Gomeldon had not been replaced neatly in their original position by the refuse collectors. In some instances this had led to pavements or driveways being blocked.  Councillor Toby Sturgis (visiting Cabinet Representative for Waste, Property and Environment) responded that refuse collection teams were instructed to replace bins as found, but that he would pass a reminder to the team who covered the Gomeldon Area.