Issue - meetings

Updates from Town and Parish Councils

Meeting: 29/04/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 8)

Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council representatives, and from other partner organisations.



The Chairman invited updates from Town/Parish Councils and other partners.


David Healing gave an update on behalf of Durrington Town Council:


·         As part of its Annual Parish Meeting, the council had held a “drop in” session to discuss various projects, attracting over 200 people.

·         An Election Question Time had been held with the five Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for the Devizes Constituency.

·         Avon Valley College had invited the Council to become a trustee.

·         The Council had organised events to celebrate St George’s Day.

·         The “Durrington in Bloom” competition would be taking place shortly.

  • A Community Showcase event was planned for 29 May, which would involve all village organisations.

·         The Village Show was scheduled for 18 July.


Paul Fisher spoke on behalf of Winterbourne Parish Council, raising concern that, despite the reopening of Pheasant Road, little benefit could be seen due to the timing of the traffic lights at the junction with the A30.  Clarification was required on when the scheme would be finalised and what the phasing of the lights would be.  The Chairman commented that the lights would be finalised by the end of May and asked Graeme Hay (newly appointed Service Manager for Highways and Street Scene in the Southern Locality) to investigate. 


In addition, Paul expressed disappointment that Winterslow Road had not been resurfaced, and had not been included in the highways maintenance programme for 2010/11.  The Chairman expressed the hope that the road could be fully resurfaced within the next two years, and undertook to provide a full answer by the meeting on 10 June 2010.


Councillor Graham Wright added, in relation to Durrington Town Council, that Bulford Bridge would be closed for six months from Tuesday 4 May.  Signs had now been erected as requested by members of the public.