Issue - meetings

Area Board Councillors Feedback from Meetings of Associated Groups

Meeting: 29/04/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 11)

11 Area Board Councillors Feedback from Meetings of Associated Groups

To receive feedback from Wiltshire Councillors following recent meetings of groups on which they sit as the Board’s representatives.


To consider a request for the release of funding towards a youth transport scheme.


Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker referred to the written updates set out at page 41 of the agenda.


In relation to the Housing Tenants’ Panel, the Chairman invited volunteers to join this group as turnout was often fairly low.  It was suggested that calling the body a “Residents’ Panel” might make the group sound more inclusive.


Karen Linaker referred to the Youth Minibus Project, as referenced on the update from the Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG).  This pilot project would involve volunteers driving minibuses to provide a safe and affordable transport service for young people from rural villages to access leisure activities in Salisbury and elsewhere.


General support was expressed for this project, although it was emphasised that this initial funding would only support the pilot stage, which would operate in one or two parishes. 


It was proposed and seconded that the Area Board released the funding required for the pilot, and to avoid any hiatus in the service, that the full project be supported in principle, subject to the success of the pilot.


Karen Linaker confirmed that this funding would be allocated from the Area Board’s share of £100,000 which had been made available to all 18 Area Boards to support youth projects of this kind, in particular transport projects.



1.    The Area Board agreed to fund the pilot Youth Minibus Project with £1,000.

2.    The Area Board further agreed that delegated authority be given to the Amesbury Community Area Manager (in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Area Board) to approve the release of further funding for this project (up to £3,000 in 2010/11), subject to the success of the pilot exercise.


1.    To support the pilot project and improve access for young people to leisure services.

2.    To ensure that, subject to the success of the pilot exercise, the project can be rolled out to other parishes without further delay.