74 Performance Management and Risk Outturn Report: Q4 2016/17
A report from the Corporate Directors is attached.
Supporting documents:
Councillor Philip Whitehead presented the report which provided an update on the progress against the stated aims in the council’s Business Plan. It included measures and activities reported on the Citizens’ Dashboard and other key measures, as well as the latest version of the council’s strategic risk register. The report covered the period January to March 2017.
Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: how the links between the risk register and the nascent business plan could be made clearer; the positive employment rate for the council; how identifying risks should be seen as positive thing; how to account for risks, such as pandemic flu, that are hard to mitigate against; how best to monitor the use of libraries as their pattern of use changes and diversifies; that further investigation would be needed to establish the course of increased reporting of streetscene issues; how the use of area board grants is monitored; that question on the appropriate use of crime statistics should be directed through the Police and Crime Panel; how the risk register is reviewed and updated.
In response to issues raised, Councillor Wickham stated that he would respond in writing as to how may parishes had produced emergency plans and would consider how best to address the issues of data protection in sharing information about vulnerable people.
In response to a issues raised, Councillor Toby Sturgis stated that he would respond in writing with regard to how carbon reduction is taken into account in the risk register; and to provide further figures regarding the cost of planning appeals.
To note updates and outturns:
1. Against the measures and activities ascribed against the council’s key Outcomes; and
2. To the strategic risk register.
Reason for Decision:
The performance framework compiles and monitors outturns in relation to the outcomes laid out in Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan. The framework is distilled from individual services’ delivery plans. In doing so, it captures the main focus of activities of the council against each outcome.
The strategic risk register captures and monitors significant risks facing the council: in relation to significant in-service risks facing individual areas, in managing its business across the authority generally and in assuring our preparedness should a national risk event occur.