Issue - meetings

Your Local Issues

Meeting: 17/06/2010 - Southern Wiltshire Area Board (Item 10)

10 Your Local Issues

To receive an update from Tom Bray, Community Area Manager (report attached).

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the report by Tom Bray, Community Area Manager on the current status of issues logged through the online system. He also gave verbal updates on the following items:


Rural Transport

The availability of transport for young people in the area continued to be an issue. The WAVeSS (Wiltshire All Vehicle Sharing Scheme) pooled community transport scheme was an interesting initiative which could offer solutions, although it was reliant on volunteers. Similar pooled transport schemes for the elderly could work well and gave much needed independence; some overlap between services could be achieved.


Laverstock Schools Congestion

Councillor Ian McLennan gave an update on the plans to relieve congestion in the areas.


The aim was to create a safe zone for pupils and other pedestrians, with an implementation date of September 2011. A budget request would be pursued through the Schools’ travel plans, which would be signed off this September in time for the following September (2011).


He wished Councillor Dick Tonge to give approval and a clear signal for officers to get the work done by April/May 2011, to allow the scheme and new layout to settle in and become used and adjusted in time for the new school intake the following September.  Councillor Tonge indicated that he would reply in due course.


Old Sarum Community Acquisition

Councillor McLennan gave an update on the Old Sarum Community Room which the Board funded last year. This had been a big success, and was proof that the Area Board concept works.


Finally people were reminded to use the issues system, as it was a good way to get their issues recorded and investigated by the Board. The issue sheet is available on line at: