Issue - meetings

Community Grants

Meeting: 17/06/2010 - Southern Wiltshire Area Board (Item 11)

11 Community Area Grants

The Board will consider grant applications received for funding from the Community Grants Scheme (report attached).


The Board will also consider endorsing a bid for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered six applications for funding through the Community Area Grants scheme and one application to endorse an initiative for the Performance Reward Scheme. Applicants were invited to speak in support of their application. The board members asked questions, and after discussion the Board voted on each application.


Performance Reward Scheme

Play Ranger Initiative, Action for Children, to provide structured outdoor play schemes - £15,000.


Martie Sandwell of Action for Children outlined the application.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board supported the bid from Action for Children to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


Community Area Grants



Morning Star was awarded £2,224 towards the cost of the trailer only, and subject to the Community Area Manager working to support another application to the Salisbury Area Board for the remaining funds.

Reason The element of the application relating to the trailer met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2010/11 and would support the community gardening scheme and be of benefit to the people of Winterslow.   It was also considered that, as the service aided homeless people and those with substance abuse problems from the wider Salisbury area, it may be appropriate for the Salisbury Area Board to consider granting some funds to the group to support their activities.



The application from Coombe Bissett Parish Council was deferred until the next meeting of the Board, pending clarification of the new procedures and criteria surrounding the Local Transport Plan Funding allocation.


To allow officers to investigate whether the application would be eligible for funding through the new scheme if the Area Board was minded to support it.



Redlynch Village Hall Management Committee was awarded £2,500 towards refurbishment of the Village Hall.


The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11, and would support the refurbishment of this community facility.  However, only 50% of the funding was awarded in view of the relatively large sum requested. 


In relation to the application from Redlynch Parish Council, David Green clarified that sources of R2 funding were not available.



Redlynch Parish Council was awarded £4,284 towards laying safety impact absorbent material on the children’s play area.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2010/11 and would increase the safety of this community facility.



Old Sarum Community First Responders was awarded £1,534 towards equipment and consumables to set up and run the scheme.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and had a demonstrable benefit to the community.



Laverstock Youth Club was awarded £2,000 towards set up costs and equipment.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and would benefit the local community.