65 Procurement of an Integrated Highways Asset Management System
Report by Dr Carlton Brand.
Supporting documents:
Councillor Bridget Wayman presented the report which sought approval to proceed with a procurement exercise for replacing three current Highway Management Systems with a single Integrated Highway Asset Management System.
Following a short debate, the meeting;
That a procurement exercise should be undertaken for Highway Asset Management Software that best meets the Council's requirements, and offers the best value and functionality. It is recommended that the system should be in place for 1 April 2018.
Reason for Decision:
Wiltshire Council is responsible for 4,500km of roads, 1500 bridges and over 40,000 street lights with an estimated replacement value of £5 billion. The local highway network is vital to providing connectivity for businesses and communities. Effective maintenance to ensure its availability is essential to the economic development of an area.
Procurement of a modern Integrated Asset Management System will provide Wiltshire Council with the tools to improve the efficiency of key and statutory services such as major maintenance, highway safety inspections, street lighting repairs, traffic management and road space booking. It will enable the Council to achieve long term improvements in asset condition through improved investment decisions and to deliver an efficient and modern highways service.
There is the opportunity for joint procurement with Oxfordshire County Council which will speed up the process and potentially provide cost savings. The local authorities involved in the procurement process will operate separate contracts after contract award.
The experience of other Authorities who have procured new systems recently has delivered an improved understanding of their assets, improved maintenance decisions and increased efficiency through mobile working and streamlined, user friendly system interfaces.