Issue - meetings

Street Naming and Numbering Policy

Meeting: 22/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Street Naming and Numbering Policy

Report by Service Director for Business Transformation, Information Management and ICT.


Supporting documents:


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet Member for Resources presented a report which sought adoption of the necessary statutory powers to undertake street naming and numbering and the signage of streets within the Council’s administrative area. The report also sought adoption of an interim street naming and numbering policy; to approve a schedule of fees for the service and to approve a strategy for developing a permanent policy.  It was noted that the new policy would be developed following consultation with town and parish councils.


Cllr Jeff Osborn sought a change to the policy to allow the naming of streets after individuals whether alive or deceased to recognise those who had served their communities well. This was in line with the policy previously operated by the former West Wiltshire District Council.


Cllr Noeken explained that whilst he shared the sentiment, time constraints on being able to secure the necessary consents from the individuals concerned or their families in accordance with Government guidance was an issue. However, following consultation with town and parish council in the context of developing a new policy, it was hoped that measures could be taken to overcome such difficulties.


The Leader considered that the policy was overly bureaucratic and should be simplified.  Cllr Noeken accepted this but pointed out that the policy was based on legal requirements and Government guidance. It was also pointed that care must be taken over street naming and numbering to avoid confusion particularly to the emergency services. The Leader commented that this was a case where changes to the legislation should be pursued through the Power of General Competence once introduced.




That Cabinet:


a)         adopt the provisions of Sections 17 and 18 of the Public Health Act 1925 (as opposed to section 21 of the Public Health Act 1907) and Sections 64 and 65 of the Town Improvement Clauses Act 1847 ( as opposed to section 19 of the Public Health Act 1925);


b)        approve the interim Street Naming and Numbering Policy but that it be produced in a more simplified document.


c)         approves Scenario C as set out in the report presented as the schedule of fees and


d)        seeks a definitive Street Naming and Numbering Policy for approval by Cabinet as soon as possible, following consultation with Town and Parish Councils.




Reason for Decision


To enable the Council to have a sound legal and policy framework on which to deliver the Street naming and Numbering service in an efficient and customer-focused fashion.