99 Digital Strategy
Report by the Corporate Director, Dr Carlton Brand.
Supporting documents:
Councillor Philip Whitehead presented the report which recommend the adoption of the Wiltshire Council Digital Strategy 2017 – 2021.
Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the views of the Overview & Scrutiny task group; the changing pattern of how people access services online; the need to retain alternative methods for those with difficulty accessing online services; the efforts to increase access to faster broadband and to support people in accessing online services; and the wider opportunities for using data to further personalise services.
In response to question from Councillor Sarah Gibson, Councillor Toby Sturgis stated that he was happy to discuss further the aspiration of longer term planning for communities.
In response to issues raised by Councillor Ian Thorn, the Leader stated that she would be open to discuss amendments to the plan, but these should be discussed prior to the meeting of full council so that their viability could be properly assessed.
To note the feedback received from Overview & Scrutiny;
That the Digital Strategy be adopted; and
That an update be presented to Cabinet in twelve months time.
Reason for Decision:
The organisation has already been progressing on a digital journey. Whilst development has been made by many areas of the business, this strategy will ensure greater coordination of digital activities in an efficient and more cost effective way to maximize the potential for cost savings and leading to an improved customer experience.