Issue - meetings

The Work of Overview and Scrutiny in the Previous Council

Meeting: 13/06/2017 - Children's Select Committee (Item 39)

39 The Work of Overview and Scrutiny in the Previous Council

Children’s Select Committee will receive a report detailing on ongoing work recommended by the former Management Committee as part of the development of a work programme for the function in the new Council.


The Review of the work of Overview and Scrutiny - 2013-2017 will be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on 06 June, confirming the endorsement of any ongoing work recommended in the report.


The committee is asked to consider the scheduled activity agreed outlined in the attached report by the OS Management Committee.

Supporting documents:


A report was presented detailing the on-going work for overview and scrutiny recommended by the previous children’s management committee, and the Chairman proposed that the items in the report were adopted as items in the forward plan.


It was agreed to recommend the addition of the provision of special schools to the work programme, including how they should operate, as this had a become a timely issue for consideration. Traded services for schools, and housing provision for care-leavers, were raised as other items to be re-visited at a future meeting for consideration. Members were advised that their interest in membership of the committee’s task groups would be sought shortly.


The Chairman proposed that the information briefings on specific services held in advance of each committee meeting, be continued. Members of the committee welcomed the learning opportunities and informal discussion that these briefings afforded, and asked that they continued. The next briefing would be on young carers and the Chairman encouraged members to offer suggestions for future topics.





To endorse the scheduled committee activity agreed by the OS Management Committee, formally re-establishing the relevant task groups.


To seek appointment for memberships on the relevant task groups and rapid scrutiny exercises and authorise the Chairman and Vice-chairman to name members to fill any vacancies following expressions of interest.


To note that a new council Business Plan will be brought to Full Council on 11 July, which will be influential in shaping the new OS forward work programme.


To support early discussion between the Chairman and Vice-Chairman with Cabinet members, portfolio-holders and directors (following adoption of the new council Business Plan) to gain a more informed understanding about Executive priorities, with outcomes reported back to Committee.