Issue - meetings

Executive Business

Meeting: 18/05/2010 - Council (Item 34)

Executive Business

(a)       The Leader and/or Cabinet Members to update Council on any major

activities within their respective areas of responsibility.



(b)       Area Boards – This is an opportunity to raise general issues relating to Area Boards but not specific local issues.



(a)       Executive Updates

The Chairman invited the Leader and members of her Cabinet to update Council on any significant executive matters. 


            Pay Harmonisation


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet member for Resources drew Council’s attention to Briefing Note no. 35 which updated Councillors on the Pay Harmonisation process.


ICT Contract


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet member for Resources updated Council on the position with regards the Council’s ICT contract. It was noted that the Council would be terminating its contract with Steria. Work was taking place on developing exit plans for some services alongside designing a new ICT service. The remaining life of the contract would be closely monitored with regular meetings held with Steria to manage the exit strategy and to manage performance issues robustly.


Cllr Jeff Osborn added that this was of fundamental importance to the Council. The Scrutiny Select Committee at its meeting on 27 May would be considering establishing a Task Group to look at this in more detail. In the meantime, he would continue to work closely with Cllr Noeken and the Service Director.


(b)       Area Boards

Councillors were given the opportunity to ask questions of a general nature only concerning Area Boards.


Cllr Chris Williams, Portfolio Holder for Communities read out guidance concerning dual hatted members on Area Boards. He also referred to a report which would be considered by the Standards Committee on 19 May on the same subject in relation to the procedure for applying for dispensations. He undertook to circulate the report and guidance to all Councillors. He also advised that a meeting of Area Board Chairmen would be held at on 20 July 2010.


The Leader referred to guidance from Standards for England on declarations of interests in particular the difference between what constituted a personal and prejudicial interest. She understood that it was where an interest was considered a prejudicial interest requiring a member to withdraw from a meeting which would result in a meeting being inquorate which was causing difficulties.


Cllr Jeff Ody commented that the Devizes Area Board operated very successfully but considered that the relationship with the partnerships was rather ambiguous and therefore sought guidance from Cllr Thomson. 


Cllr Thomson replied that he would be more than happy to meet with Cllr Ody and the Chairman of the Area Board or the Area Board to explain. He added that the Wiltshire Forum of Community Area Partnerships (WfCAP) would also be able to assist.