Issue - meetings

Warminster King George V Field

Meeting: 30/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 180)

180 Warminster King George V Field

Report by Alistair Cunningham, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Councillor Toby Sturgis presented the report which sought approval to taking all steps necessary to ensure the transfer of the Legal Title to King George V Field within Warminster Park to Warminster Town Council following the transfer to it of the majority of Warminster Park on the 21st November 2016.




a)         That Wiltshire Council, in its capacity as sole trustee of the King George V Field - Warminster (the Trust), make any changes to the Trust documents that may be necessary to appoint Warminster Town Council as a trustee of the Trust and to resign as a trustee following that appointment;


b)         That officers should, if appropriate, liaise with the Charity Commission and Fields in Trust to seek, if required, the approval of either of those bodies for the appointment of Warminster Town Council as trustee of the Trust;


c)         That following the securing of any such approval and the appointment of Warminster Town Council as trustee of the Trust to transfer the Legal Title to the King George V Field, Warminster to Warminster Town Council and then resign as trustee of the Trust; and


d)         To authorise the Corporate Director for Growth Investment & Place to enter into any legal documentation which is required to enable the above to be implemented.


Reason for decision:


To enable the Legal Title of the area of Warminster Park that is the subject of the Trust to pass to Warminster Town Council in the most cost effective and efficient way.