Issue - meetings

Performance Management and Risk Outturn Report: Q1 2018/19

Meeting: 25/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 278)

278 Performance Management and Risk Outturn Report: Q1 2018/19

Report by Corporate Director Dr Carlton Brand. 

Supporting documents:


Councillor Philip Whitehead presented the report which provided an update on the progress against the stated aims in the council’s Business Plan. It included measures from the corporate performance framework as well as the latest version of the council’s strategic risk register and covered the period April to June 2018.


In response to questions raised by Councillor Ian Thorn, Councillor Jerry Wickham stated that the number of people supported by the Help to Live at Home Programme had remained fairly static over the last 12 months; the aim of the Programme was to increase the number of packages for people continuing to live at home and therefore reducing the number of people using residential care homes; reminded the cabinet that reablement commenced from May 2018 and the number of packages would start to rise; numbers of people requiring adult care services remaining static, and preventative measures working if the numbers of people requiring adult social care reduced.


In response to a question raised by Councillor Ian Thorn, Councillor Philip Whithead commented on how the graphs and arrows accompanying the graphs in the report should be interpreted.




To note updates and outturns

i)             against the measures and activities ascribed against the council’s priorities.

ii)            to the strategic risk register.


Reason for Decision:


The current corporate performance framework compiles measures used to monitor progress in service areas against planned objectives that relate to the

goals laid out in Wiltshire Council’s current Business Plan 2017-27.


The strategic risk register captures and monitors significant risks facing the

council: in relation to significant in-service risks facing individual areas and in

managing its business across the authority generally.