Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 07/10/2010 - Westbury Area Board (Item 7)

7 Partner Updates

To receive updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, BA13+ Community Area Partnership, Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Group and Chamber of Commerce.

Supporting documents:


NHS Wiltshire

Updates from NHS Wiltshire for September were included in the agenda at pages 31 -32.



Inspector Dave Minty, reported that Anti Social Behaviour was still a concern, but figures were showing a welcome decline.  The Restorative Justice meeting put in place by the BA13+ Community Area Partnership and supported by Tonie Brodie at Matravers was a great success. He welcomed the sensible approach to local resolution, enabling quick and effective policing decisions that often satisfied the victim immediately without tying up Officer time and the return to common sense policing. He added that recent investment in technology is allowing Officers to access information needed whilst out and about, rather than returning to Police Stations. Some of this available time would enable Officers to be out on foot in the Town.  Nevertheless, resources would be placed in the most effective areas.


 He reported that there had been a 31% drop in dwelling burglaries which was very good, however there has been an increase in non-dwelling burglaries often of commercial premises or garden sheds. Tools and metals have generally been the target and he took the opportunity to remind people to be vigilant and take crime prevention measures. Advice can be found on Wiltshire Police website.



BA13+ Community Area Partnership

Jonathan Burke of the BA13+ Community Area Partnership reported that a meeting of the Partnership had taken place on 1 September.  The BA13+ Community Area Partnership is to update the community plan. This involves subjects from education and the economy to housing and environment. Local people will be asked to take part and give their views.  A well attended meeting with professionals and the community had taken place to take forward Restorative Justice.  The next step is to try and engage more people and CAP will be distributing flyers to involve more people.


Westbury Town Council

The recent Italian Food Market which took place in Westbury Market Place on Saturday 4 September had been a huge success.  A Christmas Street Day event and Food Market would be taking place between 10.00am and 4.30pm Saturday 11 December.


Community Area Young Peoples’ Issue Group (CAYPIG)

Sally Willox, Westbury Youth Development Coordinator, reported that she has been working closely with Matravers School and Youth Offending, to enhance relationships with young people.  She reported that there are currently 580 young people engaging with the service, which is very good. 100 young people engage with the services that are provided on a weekly basis.


CAYPIG are actively involved in;

·        Transport Scheme, there will be an update at the December Area Board,

·        Voices – profiling young people in a positive light,

·        Multi Media Centre – developing a multi media centre for the youth club for video and arts projects.


Chamber of Commerce

The Chairman reported, on behalf of the Westbury Chamber of Commerce, that a competition was available for those who had started a new business after 25 September 2009 or are planning to start trading before 3 August 2011.  Each of the Chamber  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7