Issue - meetings

Forward Work Plan

Meeting: 07/10/2010 - Westbury Area Board (Item 13)

13 Grants and Funding

To consider any applications for funding from;


a)     Community Area Grant Scheme – to consider any applications for funding from this scheme.


b)     Performance Reward Grant Scheme – to consider any applications for funding from this scheme.


Supporting documents:


Grants and Funding


a) Community Area Grants


Councillors considered two applications for Community Area Grants, as follows:


1.      An application has been received from Westbury Amateur Swimming Club for £1000 to send two volunteers on Swimming Teaching Courses approved by the ASA.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £1000 to Westbury Amateur Swimming Association.




This application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priority of engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering; encouraging healthy lifestyle changes; improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


2.An application had been received from 68 (Westbury) Squadron Air Training Corp to help part fund the attendance of Air Cadets on an Easter Camp to Plas Pencelli to participate in a range of outward bound and team building activities.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £1000 to 68 (Westbury) Squadron Air Training Corp.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priority for engaging with young people; increasing numbers involved with volunteering  and improving young people’s participation in positive activities.



b) Performance Reward Grant Scheme


Councillors considered an application for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.  An application had been received by all area boards, entitled Wiltshire Voices. This project is a two year initiative which would challenge our Area Boards to develop new and innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment, particularly focused on engaging with hard to reach and traditionally excluded groups.  The target group for Westbury is to work with older people living at home.




Westbury Area Board supported the Performance Reward Grant application from Wiltshire Voices.