Issue - meetings

School Admission Policies 2020/21

Meeting: 05/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 School Admission Policies 2020/21

Report by Corporate Director Terence Herbert.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Laura Mayes presented a report which detailed the School Admission Policy 2020/21, as part of the statutory process for the determination of admission arrangements to maintained schools.


The Leader thanked Debbie Clare, Admissions Co-Ordinator and her team for the hard work undertaken to support the army rebasing programme, over and above their normal duties. The Leader confirmed that the army families currently living in Germany, were happy with the arrangements being made to allocate school places for their children and the relationships being built with teachers at those schools.


Cllr Wickham referred to a recent BBC Points West news report which criticised the work being undertaken by Wiltshire Council in relation to the rebasing programme.  Cllr Wickham expressed his disappointment that the Council did not receive the right of reply to the report. The Leader confirmed that the council had received funding from the Government in relation to the rebasing programme.


Resolved:    To approve


1.    The proposed scheme for the co-ordination of admission to secondary schools for 2020/21.


2.    The proposed scheme for the co-ordination of admissions to primary schools for 2020/21.


3.    The proposed admission arrangements for Voluntary Controlled & Community Secondary Schools for 2020/21.


4.    The proposed admission arrangements for Voluntary Controlled & Community Primary Schools for 2020/21.


Reason for Decision:


The Local Authority has a statutory duty to have a determined admission policy for 2020/21 in place on or before 28 February 2019.