Issue - meetings

S/2010/0381 - Land adjacent to Birchlea, Barnes Place, Mere, Warminster

Meeting: 13/05/2010 - Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 38)

38 S/2010/0381 - Land adjacent to Birchlea, Barnes Place, Mere, Warminster

Supporting documents:


Public Participation:


Lt. Col. Ben Davies spoke against the application

Mr John Stainer spoke against the application

Helen Davies spoke against the application.


Mr Philip Coward spoke in favour of the application.


The senior planning officer outlined the details of the application to the panel and summarised the various planning considerations in his report. The Highways officer also added his comments with regards to accessibility and safety issues.


A discussion ensued during which the focus was on the proposal’s suitability under the Local Development framework; the design of the house and its possible size; concerns surrounding an increase in car usage; and the issue of safe and sufficient access.




That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


(1) The traffic generated from this proposal would use a road which, by virtue of its function in the highway network and its inadequate width and junctions, is considered unsuitable to accommodate the increase in traffic from this development and that for which it would set a precedent. In this respect the proposal would be contrary to saved policy G2 of the Adopted Salisbury District Local Plan.


(2) The proposed dwelling, by reason of its height, size and design, and the resultant loss of an area of garden that contributes to the area's character, would fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of this part of Mere's Conservation Area. In these respects the proposed development would be contrary to saved policies CN8, D2, H16 and CN10 of the Adopted Salisbury District Local Plan.


(3) The proposed development, in that it does not make adequate provision for public recreational open space, would be contrary to saved policy R2 of the Adopted Salisbury District Local Plan.