10 Report of the Traded Services for Schools Task Group
The committee is provided with the report of the task group which was presented to Cabinet on 11th December 2018 to present the findings of the Task Group regarding the bids for the provision of outdoor education and potential sale of the Oxenwood and Braeside sites.
It should be noted that this report has been written to be included with a Part II Cabinet report and, as such, included information was provided confidentially. Sensitive financial information has been redacted from the original report in order to receive the report as part 1 in this agenda. However, this does not impact on the significant content of the report.
Supporting documents:
(Jen Jones, Further Education Representative, declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item as she was employed by Wiltshire College)
The Committee received a report which presented the findings of the Traded Services for Schools Task Group regarding the bids for the provision of outdoor education and potential sale of the Oxenwood and Braeside sites which was presented to Cabinet on 11 December 2018.
Mr John Hawkins, Chairman of the Task Group introduced the report and explained the Task Group’s four recommendations which had received a very satisfactory response from Cabinet. He took the opportunity of recording his thanks and appreciation to Cllr Philip Whitehead, Cabinet Member for Finance, Procurement, ICT & Operational Assets, for the very positive and inclusive way he had taken this issue forward.
The Chairman thanked Mr Hawkins and the Task Group for their excellent work which had resulted in a very satisfactory outcome.
To note the Task Group report which had been presented to Cabinet on 11 December 2018.