Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion xx

Meeting: 26/02/2019 - Council (Item 12)

12 Notice of Motion "Safe Passage Our Turn" Campaign

The motion from Councillors Ruth Hopkinson and Jon Hubbard is attached along with an officer briefing note.

Supporting documents:


In the absence of Cllr Ruth Hopkinson, Cllr Sarah Gibson proposed the Motion which was seconded by Cllr Jon Hubbard. In moving the Motion, Cllr Gibson stressed the importance of helping to support these vulnerable children, noting that the campaign was government funded and there would be no costs falling to the Council.


Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Skills, welcomed the Motion but stressed the need for more foster carers and more Wiltshire families to foster Wiltshire children.  She proposed that this be added to the Motion and this was seconded by Cllr John Thomson.  Cllr Gibson and Cllr Hubbard supported this amendment and agreed to include it the original Motion.


Public Participation


Shelley Rawlings and Becky Thomas both spoke in support of the Motion.


Cllr Philip Whalley, Portfolio Holder, Education & Skills, in supporting the Motion expressed his hope that faith groups would come forward and offer their help.


The Group Leaders all fully supported the Motion. 


The Chairman then invited comments in debate.


Cllr Mary Champion stated that there was an urgent need for foster carers who would be willing to look after children in cases of emergency, especially overnight.  Other Members all spoke in support of the Motion.


Reference was made to the plight of vulnerable children from affected regions (including Europe) and the hope that Wiltshire Council could seek to achieve a target of taking 10 at-risk refugee children each year for the next ten years directly from affected regions including Europe.   Cllrs Gibson and Hubbard warmly supported this suggestion and agreed to include it in their Motion.


During debate there was unanimous support for this, whereupon it was




That Wiltshire Council builds on its achievements in caring for vulnerable unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children by supporting the Safe Passage ‘Our Turn’ campaign, recognising the historical legacy of the Kindertransport; and pledges to welcomedirectly from affected regions (including Europe) a target of 10 at-risk refugee children per year for the next 10 years taking into consideration Wiltshire Council’s foster carer capacity to meet the need, as part of a fully funded government vulnerable children’s resettlement scheme. Furthermore, that officers should work with the government to examine the detail of how this scheme should operate, and work with local campaigners and faith groups to highlight the need for more Wiltshire Council foster carers in the county.



Admin Note: A record of the vote is appended to these minutes.