Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion (13) - Acknowledging a Climate Emergency and Proposing the Way Forward

Meeting: 26/02/2019 - Council (Item 12)

12 Notice of Motion - Acknowledging a Climate Emergency and Proposing the Way Forward

The motion from Councillors Dr Brian Mathew and Cllr Gavin Grant is attached.

Supporting documents:



Cllr Brian Matthew proposed the Motion which was seconded by Cllr Gavin Grant. In moving the Motion, Cllr Matthew drew attention to extreme climate conditions which had been developing in more recent years and referred to severe flooding in parts of Australia where 300,000 cattle had perished. He considered it of vital importance that action be taken immediately to investigate and implement ways of stemming carbon dioxide emissions. Failure to do so would have a profound effect on the planet in the near future. He stated that about 31 million people were living in areas where there was already a climate emergency.  


Cllr Jerry Wickham, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health & Public Protection stated that having discussed this with Cllr Matthew and others, including an expert on climate change and after careful consideration could not support this Motion.  Although he had great sympathy for the sentiments behind the Motion, he did not think that it would be feasible to achieve a carbon neutral Wiltshire by 2030, bearing in mind that the Council had no means of ensuring that other bodies worked to secure such a goal.  He commended the Motion following this item.        


Public Participation


A question had been submitted from Bill Jarvis, as detailed in the Supplement together with a written response from Cllr Jerry Wickham.  Mr Jarvis suggested that the climate emergency was worsening and that both Motions under consideration at this meeting should be merged and acted upon.


A question had also been submitted from Professor David Waltham as detailed in the Supplement together with a written response from Cllr Jerry Wickham.   Professor Waltham urged Members to accept that there was a climate emergency.


The Chairman then invited comments in debate.


Cllr John Thomson acknowledged that there had been much change in thinking about climate change and the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. He felt that there was a need for the Council to focus on what it could do, this being more of a challenge than an emergency.


During discussion a number of Members stated their support for the Motion. Cllr Ricky Rogers drew attention to the vast amount of waste created in construction material packaging which was either burnt or sent to landfill.


Cllr Alan Hill suggested that the most effective action to combat climate change needed to be undertaken nationally and internationally.  Aspirations needed to be realistic and achievable.  By way of example, he suggested that cardboard be used in place of polystyrene for packaging.


Cllr Toby Sturgis noted that the Motion pledged to make the County of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030 but he did not consider that this would be achievable.  There was a section in Wiltshire’s Core Strategy about climate change and considered that Wiltshire was a leading local authority in the use of renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions. He gave as an example the introduction of LED lighting.    


Cllr Philip Whitehead considered that it was important that a Motion would be achievable; there was little  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12