Chairman's announcements
The Chairman extended her sympathy, and that of the committee, to Ian Gibbons and his wife for their sad loss.
Coalition government
The Chairman drew members attention to the announcement by the coalition government announced in the Queen’s speech that it intended to abolish the standards regime. No further details were available at present, however the Standards for England annual assembly due to be held in October has been cancelled.
The Code of Conduct will remain in force until any legislation to the contrary is passed. The Council will therefore continue to handle complaints under the Code using the processes in place.
Our wider duty to promote good governance is unaffected by the proposed abolition of the standards regime.
The committee will review its plan in the light of these developments at the September meeting.
The Independent Forum
The next meeting of the Forum had been delayed until late September/early October until there is more information on the new Standards regime. The Chairman suggested that as it was more likely that there would not be any information before the New Year that any meeting be deferred until then when the Forum could meet to discuss any consultation material that was available.
Council summons
The Chairman said that if any members of the committee did not want to receive hard copies of the Council summons they should inform Democratic Services.
Review of the constitution
A meeting had been arranged for 29 July. Main areas to be considered were:
Annual report
The Chairman said that the committee’s annual report had been presented to Council on 13 July. There had been no questions.
Register of Interests – online publication
The Chairman reminded members of the decision to publish online on an opt-in basis. She said that it would be helpful if the committee led by example having made the recommendation to Council.
Officer Code of Conduct
The Chairman said that Council had approved at updated Code of Conduct for officers at its meeting on 13 July. Details could be found in the Staffing Committee minutes of 19 May.
Online Code of Conduct training
The Chairman drew member’s attention to an article in Elected Wire which advised that the online training tool was now available.
The Chairman extended her sympathy, and that of the committee, to Ian Gibbons and his wife for their sad loss.
Coalition government
The Chairman drew members attention to the announcement by the coalition government announced in the Queen’s speech that it intended to abolish the standards regime. No further details were available at present, however the Standards for England annual assembly due to be held in October has been cancelled.
The Code of Conduct remains in force until any legislation to the contrary ... view the full minutes text for item 53