Issue - meetings

Minutes of sub-committees

Meeting: 21/07/2010 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 56)

56 Minutes of sub-committees

The Committee is asked to receive and note the minutes of the following Sub-Committees:


Dispensations Sub Committee – 11 May 2010 and 17 June 2010

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Dispensation sub-committees held on 11 May and 17 June were presented.  The Monitoring Officer drew member’s attention to the minutes of 17 June and explained that an error had been made and the revised minutes would be circulated to sub-committee members shortly.


Concerns were raised regarding inconsistent timescales arrived at by different panels.  The Chairman requested that a report be brought to the next meeting detailing ways of achieving consistency.




That the minutes be noted and that a report be brought to the next meeting on ways of achieving consistent timescales.