Issue - meetings

Announcements by the Chairman

Meeting: 13/07/2010 - Council (Item 46)

Announcements by the Chairman


(a)       Birthday honours


On behalf of Council, the Chairman congratulated the Wiltshire recipients of Queen’s Birthday Honours list which he read out. 


(b)       Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

The Chairman announced that five organisations in Wiltshire were nominated for the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service namely, Swindon Down’s Syndrome Group, Hope Nature centre, Wilshire Search & Rescue, Berwick St. John Country Fayre and Lydiard Millicient Lunch Club.


The Chairman was pleased to announce that Swindon Down’s Syndrome Group were successful in attaining the award and congratulated them on their achievement.


(c )       Queen’s Award for Enterprise  


The Chairman announced that four businesses in Wiltshire had been recognised in the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, two in the category for international trade and two for innovation.


Naim audio from Salisbury and Themis from Trowbridge had received awards in the international trade category.


Danlers Limited from Chippenham and Halyard Marine from Salisbury had received awards in the innovation category.


The Chairman congratulated them all on their success.


(d)       ‘Shaping the future – Being the Best’


The Chairman explained that the Council was launching its first Corporate Staff Awards, ‘Shaping the future – Being the Best’. The purpose of the awards was to celebrate and recognise the excellent work being done by Wiltshire council employees.


The Chairman referred Councillors to a brochure which included a nomination form. The winners would be announced at a gala awards ceremony on Monday 27 September at Salisbury City Hall by the Leader and Chief Executive. Category winners would be automatically entered into a competition to find the overall outstanding employee of the year who would also be announced at the awards ceremony.


(e)       New Liberal Democrat Group Leader


The Chairman acknowledged that Councillor Jon Hubbard was now Group leader of the Liberal Democrat group on the Council. The Chairman wished him well in his appointment and thanked the previous Liberal Democratic leader, Councillor Trevor Carbin for his work over the past year.


(f)         Councillor Julian Johnson – New Forest National Park Authority


The Chairman congratulated Councillor Julian Johnson on his appointment as Chairman of the New Forest National Park Authority.