Issue - meetings

Executive Business

Meeting: 13/07/2010 - Council (Item 50)

Executive Business

(a)       The Leader and/or Cabinet Members to update Council on any major

activities within their respective areas of responsibility.


(b)       Area Boards – This is an opportunity to raise general issues relating to Area Boards but not specific local issues.


(a)       Updates by Cabinet members


(i)                 Coalition Government


The Leader initiated a discussion on emerging proposals from the new Coalition Government. She explained that correspondence was being received with increasing regularity from various Government departments on new Government proposals and initiatives.


She referred to the emergency budget announced by the Government in June. This included a reduction in Area Based Grant of £2.7m. The Area Based Grant from the Department for Education had been reduced by 24%. Within the last 24 hours, the Council had been advised of a reduction of £1.24m in education grants for technology across the region for the provision of broadband. A reduction of £700k had also been advised for 14-19 capital grant. The free swimming grant had also been removed and it was hoped to keep free swimming in place over the summer period at least. It was noted that most if not all secondary schools in the Council’s area would be expressing a wish to achieve academy status and this would have a tremendous impact on the Council as the Local Education Authority.


Cabinet was working closely with Chief Officers to try and minimise the impact of the reductions in funding. The Council would need to consider its budget as a whole in order to examine its priorities.


Local authorities were awaiting the outcome of the public spending review to be announced by the Government on 20 October 2010 in order to assess the impact on local government. This would also help to inform the Council’s Business Plan. The spending review would also impact on other public sector services and the Leader stressed that this should be borne in mind when working with public sector partners. The Government had stated that whilst there would be cuts, it would also be providing local authorities with the freedom to use their budgets according to their priorities.


The Leader referred to the abolition of the Regional Development Agency, the South West Regional Assembly and the privatisation of Job Centre Plus. She also referred to the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategy, potential implications of the Localism Bill and proposals for directly elected Police Commissioners.


It was noted that the Strategic Health Authority would be abolished by 2012.

The Leader referred to the White Paper, Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS which set out the Government's long-term vision for the future of the NHS. This was likely to include the remits of Primary Care Trusts being redirected to local authorities, GP consortia managing commissioning services and a new health watchdog. The Health Scrutiny function would be replaced by a Health Board.


The Leader explained that a briefing session for all Councillors would be arranged following the August recess once there was more clarification on the future direction of local government. 


The Leader responded to questions and Councillors thanked the Leader for the important and informative update.


(ii)                           Wiltshire Delivers Big Society


The Leader referred to the Government’s announced intentions on the ‘Big Society’. She explained  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50