Issue - meetings

Minutes of Other Committees

Meeting: 13/07/2010 - Council (Item 52)

52 Minutes of Cabinet and Committees

(a)      The Chairman will move that Council receives and notes the minutes of Cabinet and the various Committees of the Council and adopt the recommendations as listed in the Minutes Book enclosed separately. 

(b)       Chairmen of Committees other than Cabinet and Scrutiny Select Committees will be given a brief opportunity to make any important announcements concerning the work of their respective committees.  Cabinet and Scrutiny Select Committees in this respect are dealt with under items 8 and 9 respectively. 

(c )      Councillors will be given the opportunity to raise questions on points of information or clarification.



Supporting documents:


The Chairman moved that Council receives and notes the minutes as listed in the separate Minutes Book and this was duly seconded by the Vice-Chairman.

 Cabinet                                                                                 24/05/10, 22/06/10

Children's Services Select Committee                              08/06/10

Environment Select Committee                                          11/05/10

Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee              20/05/10

Organisation and Resources Select Committee              27/05/10

Officer Appointments Committee                                       11/06/10

Standards Committee                                                          19/05/10

Staffing Policy Committee                                                   19/05/10

Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee                                    13/05/10

Licensing Committee                                                           26/05/10

Strategic Planning Committee                                            12/05/10

Audit Committee                                                                   30/06/10

Northern Area Planning Committee                                    19/05/10, 09/06/10, 30/06/10

Eastern Area Planning Committee                         10/06/10, 01/07/10

Southern Area Planning Committee                                   13/05/10, 03/06/10, 24/06/10

Western Area Planning Committee                                    12/05/10, 02/06/10, 23/06/10

The Chairman drew Council’s attention to recommendations to Council from the Staffing Policy Committee in respect of adoption of the Code of Conduct for Officers and from the Licensing Committee in respect of the licensing of Sex Establishment Policy.


(a)               That the above mentioned minutes be received and noted.

(b)              That Council adopt the following recommendations:

(i)                 Recommendation of the Staffing Policy Committee dated 19 May 2010 (minute no. 19 refers):

That Council approve the Code of Conduct for Officers as amended and to update the Council’s Constitution accordingly.

(ii)               Recommendation of the Licensing Committee dated 26 May 2010 (minute no 7 refers):

To adopt the amendment to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Schedule 3 by Section 27 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009. This introduces a Licensing regime for “sexual entertainment venues” such as lap dancing.

The Chairman invited questions from Councillors on points of information or clarification on the above mentioned minutes and gave Chairmen of those meetings the opportunity to make any important announcements on the work of their respective meetings.

Cabinet – 22 June 2010 – Minute No. 110 – Housing PFI – Agreement to enter into contract


Cllr Ricky Rogers asked whether the PFI scheme had escaped the cuts in local government funding.


Cllr John Brady explained that the PFI Board had met on 12 July 2010. A further meeting would be held on 14 July in London. It was reassuring to know that that at this stage, the scheme had the support of the Housing Minister but would need to be assessed by an independent board and that the Council had complied with all requirements. He was concerned that given the level of cuts being considered, the Government could choose to abandon the scheme. He would however, keep Councillors informed.


Licensing Training


Cllr Bill Moss, Chairman of the Licensing Committee reminded Councillors  that licensing training for all Councillors had been arranged for 24 September 2010 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.


Strategic Planning Committee – 21 July 2010


Cllr Andrew Davis, Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee confirmed that the application at Land at Langley Park, Chippenham had been withdrawn. The meeting would still take place but at County Hall rather than at Monkton Park, Chippenham.


Northern Area Planning Committee – 19 May 2010 –  Minute No. 54-

Appeal Decision


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