NHS long term plan
In February 2019 the Long Term Plan (LTP) for the NHS was published, it set out some expectations for organisational reform to ensure that the NHS can achieve the ambitious improvements for patients and actions to overcome the challenges that the NHS faces such as staff shortages and growing demand for services.
To receive an update on actions implemented in Wiltshire to deliver the LTP and meet its expectations for primary and community services.
The Committee noted that in February 2019 the Long Term Plan (LTP) for the NHS was published, which set out some expectations for organisational reform to ensure that the NHS could achieve the ambitious improvements for patients and actions to overcome the challenges that the NHS faced such as staff shortages and growing demand for services.
The Committee received a presentation by Tracey Cox, CCG Chief Executive Officer, which provided an update on actions implemented in Wiltshire to deliver the LTP and meet its expectations for primary and community services.
During discussion, it was recognised that there needed to be a new relationship with service users and providers which would help staff to access what was important to clients. Various discussions were taking place to facilitate this. There was an increasing number of older people residing in Wiltshire quite a number of which would require some support, and also people who had no homes and slept on streets and elsewhere.
(1) To thank officers for the comprehensive presentation received at the meeting and the informative “making of” of the long-term plan presentation provided for the pre-meeting briefing.
(2) To note the presentation received today and for the Committee to remain informed of progress on the areas of work for the delivery of the NHS long term plan, at appropriate key milestones through the year ahead.
(3) To send the link to the public version of the Wiltshire long term plan so members can share this with their community.
(4) To send the presentation to the Committee with the minutes of the meeting.