Issue - meetings

Provision of ICT Services to Wiltshire Police

Meeting: 23/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Provision of ICT Services to Wiltshire Police

Report by Executive Director Dr Carlton Brand.



Supporting documents:


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling presented a report seeking approval for the council’s ICT Service to continue discussions with Wiltshire Police, with a view to ending the current service provision arrangements in a planned and phased manner, while ensuring that current operational benefits are preserved wherever possible.


Cllr Blair-Pilling explained that since 2014 the Council’s ICT Service have been running the Wiltshire Police ICT Services. There were now pressing reasons, detailed in the report, why the sharing of ICT services should end, in particular new policing national standards and access to more sensitive systems that would not be compatible. He reported that there would be a reduction in income for the Council and staff moves would be required under the TUPE regulations.


In response to a question from Cllr Ian Thorn, Chair of the Financial Planning Task Group, about details in the original contract with Wiltshire Police in the event of a separation, Cllr Blair-Pilling explained that the ICT Service was shared through a mutual collaboration partnership rather than a formal contract.  The Leader explained that both parties supported the proposals.


In response to an additional question from Cllr Jonathan Seed about the security of Council email services, Cllr Blair-Pilling confirmed that all aspects of the ICT services would be considered during the implementation of the proposals.



1.    That the current arrangement where Wiltshire Council provides ICT services to Wiltshire Police should end and that steps are taken to introduce a new infrastructure for ICT services operating in two separate organisations.

2.    That the decision at 1 above be undertaken as a progressive, planned and controlled activity, and that a project team be established, of both Wiltshire Police and Wiltshire Council staff serving on it, to facilitate the various activities to be undertaken.

3.    The next steps to include further negotiations with Wiltshire Police around costs and staffing, the setting up of a project to move matters forward, and consultation with those staff who could be affected by the proposed changes.



Reason for Decision:


1.    The council has provided an ICT service to WP since 2014, an arrangement initiated at their request, and which has operated well and to mutual benefit.


2.    Changes in the police world at a national level would mandate a move to an ICT delivery model that the council cannot accommodate.


3.    Specifically, the council would have to become a contracted, managed service provider to Wiltshire Police, with all that entails. That is something which the Wilshire Council’s ICT function is not set up to do, nor is it a direction the council would wish to travel in at this time, given other priorities in terms of its ICT & Digital Strategy.